Lae Lar

Age 10 - 13

About this Course

As kids grow into teens, they are likely to feel uncertain & sensitive as some mental health issues may emerge. Our courses help learners become more logical, open- minded & creative by stepping into moderately complex coding, CAD & development of AI applications. On top of that, they also have to learn how to be responsible digital citizens.

Beginner Level

Approx.97 hours to complete

100 % Online


What you will learn from this course


Basic Coding for Kids 1

 21 hours

In this introductory course, basic concepts of computer science such as sequencing, algorithms, loops, events, and conditionals are introduced in the earlier lessons in Sprite Lab of (


Basic Coding for Kids 2

 21 hours

Students will develop their understanding of more advanced concepts including variable and “for” loops from the lessons throughout the entire course. This course also focuses on creating interactive projects.


Basic Coding for Kids 3

 20 hours

Students will engage in more complex coding. They will have to make a variety of Sprite Lab apps. This course also includes a quick introduction about machine learning before they learn the Hello AI course. By the end of the course, students will have created projects by using the concepts they have acquired.


Hello AI

 21 hours

In this course, the concepts of AI such as AI Fundamentals, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, GeoAI, and AI Ethics are introduced. Students will be able to

1. Understand the basic concepts of AI, CV, NLP, GeoAi, and AI Ethics

2. Know the applications of AI

3. Explain AI to other people

4. Develop AI applications by using Machine Learning for Kids UK Tool and Scratch

3D For Kids

 15 hours

In this course, students will develop their understanding of basic geometry, 3D printing, and concepts of CAD design such as sketching, axes, workplaces & extrusion using the TINKERCAD platform. This course focuses on the critical thinking and creativity of kids. Learning CAD also helps kids develop their sequential thinking and logical reasoning.

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